Tiny House Fest Vermont Call for Tiny Houses

It's incredible how many tiny house festivals there are now! There's the Georgia Tiny House Festival, the Tiny House North Carolina Street Festival, Tiny Fest Midwest, the New Jersey Tiny House Festival, and the Florida Tiny house Festival. (Oh, and of course there's Tiny House Jamboree.) I'm sure there are others, too, but these are the ones I've heard of.

Last year I had the opportunity to participate in Tiny House Fest Vermont in Brattleboro as a speaker and a tiny house speed design reviewer during The Lost Months: September & October 2016. I'm already looking forward to the second Tiny House Fest Vermont which will be over Labor Day weekend. The Tiny House Collaborative will be leading a Tiny House 101 Workshop on Friday, September 1 and Saturday, September 2 and the fest is on Sunday, September 3. Can you join us?! Mark your calendar now to join in on the fun!

Additionally, the coordinators of Tiny House Fest Vermont have put out a call for tiny houses to be available for tours at the event. If you (or someone you know) has a tiny house to share and show off at the Fest, read on and get in touch with the event organizers.