Cilantro Poncho Build Blitz Day 6


Cilantro Poncho Day 6 Team Photo Yesterday was Day 6 (our final day!) of a week-long build blitz for the Meyerhofer’s tiny house, Cilantro Poncho. Day 1 was a prep day, Day 2 and Day 3 we worked on wall raising, Day 4 and Day 5 we prepped for the roof, and yesterday we finished the roof and touched up our water resistant barrier!

The day’s tasks included:

  • Finishing liquid flashing around the away room windows
  • Applying sealant to seams and troweling smooth
  • Cut out the sill plate at door
  • Finish liquid flashing at door sill
  • Touching up the water resistant barrier with one more coat
  • Installing roof splines
  • Installing remaining roof sections
  • Installing perimeter framing

At lunchtime we had a picnic inside the new house and Courtney and Kurt gave those of us who helped all week very thoughtful gifts. During the afternoon we finished up the framing around the roof perimeter and did the final touch ups on the water resistant barrier.

In the evening Kurt and Courtney hosted Cilantro Poncho’s First Open House. This was a chance for people who were curious about the tiny house to come take a peek and see the progress we made in a week. Andy, who had helped the first two days of the build blitz came back down from Tempe to see how much more we got done in 4 more days and Walt and Bernice Venable (who I did some concept design work with) came to take a look so I got to meet them in real life.

As the evening sky broke into a magnificent sunset I gave them my parting gift, which seemed quite appropriate for the adventure they’re embarking upon. Fortunately, it wasn’t quite goodbye. We’re meeting up this morning for breakfast to talk about next steps and to sort out tools so I can pack for my journey home. What an incredible honor to help make this tiny house dream come true for the Meyerhofers!