
O'ahu, Hawai'i

O'ahu, Hawai'i

I’m realizing it’s going to be hard to capture the last week in words… When I arrived in Hawaii two week ago, I didn’t know I’d be attending Spirit Fest, but as several people there told me with a wink or a twinkle in their eyes, I was right where I needed to be… It was a few days before the event that Cambria, the event logistics coordinator, mentioned they could use one more volunteer. Sarah checked in to see if I was interested. I said I was, that I’d love to be helpful, to be part of something. So glad I was!

Maui, Hawaii

Maui, Hawaii

After A Week Long Send Off, My Round the World Trip kicked off with eight days in Maui visiting my sister Sarah who has split her time between Hawaii and Alaska for many years. What an epic way to start this adventure! There was mist falling when my sister greeted me at the Kahului airport on Maui a week ago, so she teased me about bringing the rain from the mainland. We headed straight for Paia where she presented me with a young coconut and a lei, accompanied by the chant for the gifting-of-a-lei.